Health Care Quality: Different Meaning For Care Vs. Coverage


American patients and their families need to be careful about mindlessly making health care choices for themselves or their family in reliance on healthcare “quality” data or guidance by private health plans and insurers, Medicare, Medicaid, or other government payers, and other public and private entities that allow the cost of care to shade their valuation of the quality of care.

The value of quality data – regardless of its source – in determining the quality and value of a proposed plan of care inherently depends upon how well a patient’s actual circumstance fits the assumptions upon which the quality analysis and conclusions rest.  Different treatment plans often impact differently patients diagnosed with the same condition for a variety of reasons.

Patients and their families making health care decisions for themselves or a loved one generally should use a two step approach when making health care provider or treatment decisions:

Patients and their families attempting to make decisions about…

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